Monday, July 16, 2012

Recruiting and Employee Motivation from Senor Cortes

I imagine if he were alive today, Hernando Cortes would be a popular senator, a good spokesman and consumer for Captain Morgan, or perhaps, if he had the courage, he would be a successful Driver/Owner operator recruiter.  A recruiters job today is as daunting and challenging as any, and they must possess a unique set of abilities to lead, inspire and manage people.  Please join me as we go back a few centuries into an abridged version of the adventures of Senor Cortes in "New World" Mexico.

Cortes or Cortez, both acceptable versions of his name, found himself in Cuba circa 1517, after playing a role under Velasquez in the acquisition of Cuba for Spain. 

Cortes was a great leader of men.  He had an uncanny ability to recruit and inspire.  He found himself in Cuba, helping to set up the new government and closely guarding and organizing this exciting new asset for Spain.  Rumors had been spreading for decades in Cuba about the bountiful gold and treasures available to anyone who dared to venture into Mexico. 

Cortes, with a burning desire to make a name for himself, not to mention a blood lust for gold, starting putting together his own expedition into the golden hills of nearby Mexico.  He set out to put together a army of 500 men, and as any good recruiter will tell you, you start by defining and getting an understanding of your quarry. 

Cortes focused on the sons of wealthy sugar plantation owners.  They were plentiful in 15th Century Cuba and they had plenty of time on their hands.  He inspired them with tales of riches, gold and beautiful women from coast to golden coast.  These young men were easily regaled and intrigued with his tales and signed on easily.  Most were eager to make a name and a fortune for themselves, as most young men are...  Word spread quickly among these men, and soon Cortes had more than the 500 he needed and prepared for the expedition to conquer modern day Mexico...  Post continued Wednesday this week, don't forget to sign up for a free email subscription.

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